Are you moving to Cyprus, Information on Retiring to Cyprus For British Citizens

Cyprus is a beautiful Mediterranean island that attracts people from around the world. It has a similar climate to Greece and Italy, with hot summers and warm winters. The country is very popular with tourists visiting to explore its sandy beaches and enjoy themselves but there are also plenty of reasons why you should consider retiring here too. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about moving to Cyprus including property prices, taxes, living costs, and much more…

Cyprus is very well known as a holiday destination

Cyprus is a popular destination for British holidaymakers, but it’s also an excellent place to live. Cyprus has many beautiful beaches and a Mediterranean climate. The weather is generally sunny and warm with only short rain showers in the winter months.

Property prices are low but property laws are in place to protect you as a buyer

  • *Property prices are low compared to the UK.

Prices for property in Cyprus are very good value for money when compared to other Mediterranean countries and even other European countries. You will be able to buy a property for your retirement or as an investment that will appreciate over time, or even as a holiday home where you can stay when you visit your family abroad.

Cyprus has been part of the EU since 2004

  • You don’t need a visa to live in Cyprus, and you can move there with just your passport.
  • The cost of living is low compared to other European countries, especially for retirees.
  • Property laws are very good so if you’re thinking of buying a house or apartment, it’s probably worth doing some research into what’s available and how much they cost.

Cyprus is full of golden sandy beaches

Cyprus is full of golden sandy beaches, many of which are well-known for their beauty and popularity with tourists. The water temperature ranges from 16 to 25 degrees Celsius (61-77 Fahrenheit), so you can swim all year round. There are several different types of beaches, each offering a different experience or activity:

  • White sand – these resorts have fine white sand that is usually clean and safe for swimming
  • Black sand – these are more popular with locals than they are with visitors because they’re harder to clean up after storms but offer better protection against windy weather
  • Pebbly beaches – these have small stones mixed in with the sand instead of pebbles; they’re good for people who want something between soft sand and coarse gravel
  • Rocky beaches – these consist entirely of rocks rather than any type of sedimentary material like calcareous rock like limestone or dolomite.

The climate of Cyprus is perfect for those who like hot sunshine

For those who like plenty of hot sunshine, Cyprus offers just that. The climate is Mediterranean, which means it’s warm all year round. The average temperature in the summer months is 25 degrees Celsius and in the winter months 15 degrees Celsius.

The average rainfall for Cyprus is around 300mm per year

Cyprus is an English-speaking destination

Cyprus is an English-speaking destination, with most people able to speak the language of Shakespeare and all. There are also French and German speakers in Cyprus, so if you’re not sure about your Greek then you should be able to communicate with them quite well.

The island attracts plenty of tourists every year and they all seem to get along just fine without speaking Greek or understanding the local culture. The Cypriot mentality when it comes to business is very much “go with the flow” so they don’t tend to mind if you don’t know what’s going on around town they’ll probably be grateful that someone else doesn’t know either!

Tax-Free Status

If you decide to retire to Cyprus, you will be eligible for the tax-free status if:

  • You are over 65 years old.
  • You have lived in Cyprus for at least 7 years.
  • If you are younger than 65 and would like to claim tax relief when moving there, then you must have lived in Cyprus for at least 5 years before claiming your taxes as a non-resident.

Retiring in Cyprus can be straightforward if you follow our advice on how to move

  • Get a good lawyer to help you with the paperwork.
  • Make sure you have a good lawyer to help you with the paperwork.
  • Don’t worry about the paperwork, it is all taken care of by your lawyer.

Hopefully, this blog has given you some insight into the wonderful world of retiring to Cyprus. We know that there are many more reasons why it is such a great place to live, but these are some of the most important ones. If you want more information about other aspects of moving to Cyprus then please get in touch with us now – we would love to hear from you!


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