Four important things to keep in mind when applying for a work permit in Indonesia (Updated)

If you’re looking at applying for a work permit in Indonesia, read this article first!

It might take longer than expected

It’s important to keep in mind that the process for obtaining a work permit is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The length of time it takes will vary depending on your nationality and country of residence, as well as whether or not you have an employment contract with your employer.

If you are applying for a work permit while visiting Indonesia on vacation with your family or friends, then things will likely go smoothly. However, if this is not the case (for example because there are no plans available), then processing times could extend beyond six months—and even longer if no visa has been issued yet!

There may be a lot of nuances along the way

If you’re applying for a work permit in Indonesia, there are many different types of permits and requirements. You should be aware of the rules and regulations for each type of permit.

  • *Work Permit for Foreigners*

There are three main types of work permits: temporary employment (PT), short-term employment (ST), and long-term employment (LT). Each type has its own set of requirements, which can vary depending on where you live or work in Indonesia. There may also be additional paperwork required when applying from certain countries like Australia or New Zealand. For example, if your employer wants to hire someone who already has experience working with children or animals then they’ll need an Australian Work Permit instead – this is because those professions require different approval levels before they can be hired locally by foreigners so as not to disrupt local industries too much.*

There will be a lot of paperwork

You may be wondering if the process is as simple as it looks. Well, no. The paperwork can be time-consuming and confusing at times, especially if you don’t know what to expect or how to go about filling it out paperwork.

In addition to the lengthy process of applying for a work permit in Indonesia, many other things must be done before your application is processed:

  • You will need to pay an extra fee for this service (this varies depending on which country you live in).
  • You will also have to make sure that your employer has submitted the necessary documents so that they can receive their permits from their local embassies/consulates (if applicable).

Be prepared to be flexible during the process

You may have to be flexible during the process.

The work permit process can be unpredictable, and things may change at the last minute. For example, you might find out that your employer needs you to start earlier or later than expected. You could also discover that there is only one job opening available in Jakarta when you were expecting more openings for your field of expertise. Or perhaps there is a sudden requirement for someone with your skillset in another city or province than where you currently live—and this means moving away from family and friends who are holding down jobs here already!

All these scenarios make it easy for us at [our company name]—the world leader in [our industry category]—to see why applying for a work permit should be treated as an investment rather than just something simple like filling out paperwork:

If you’re looking at applying for a work permit in Indonesia, read this article first!

The process of applying for a work permit in Indonesia can be long and complicated, but it’s definitely worth your time. There are a lot of things to take into consideration when applying for a work permit, and you’re going to have to be flexible during the process.

If you’re looking at applying for an employment visa or working visa in Indonesia, read this article first!

We hope our list of tips has helped you prepare for a smooth and successful application process. Remember that the key to success is being flexible, patient, and understanding of all the nuances along the way.


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