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Cyprus is a beautiful country, with a rich culture and excellent climate. But when you’re planning to retire abroad, it’s important to do your homework first. That way, you won’t be in an unknown place without the right resources or support network. With that in mind, here are the five steps we recommend taking before moving to Cyprus:

Check the Visa Requirements

  • Make sure you have the right passport. To live in Cyprus, you must be a citizen of an EU or EEA country (European Economic Area) with a valid passport. Your EEA country can be: Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus (EU member state); Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France (including Monaco); Germany (including Luxembourg); Greece (not including the Greek Islands which are EU members); Hungary; Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, and the Netherlands
  • Get your work permit if employed. If you are employed in Cyprus by an employer who has recruited you from overseas and will pay for your flight ticket, then there is no need for further visa processing. It is also possible for British citizens living outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) but within Cyprus’s Common Travel Area to work without needing a work permit but only if it does not exceed three months per year and does not require any formal qualification beyond those normally expected for such employment

Register as a Resident of Cyprus

You will need to register with the police and get an ID card.

Register your car – this can be done by visiting any Ministry of Finance office. You will need to bring along proof of ownership and your passport, along with the relevant fee.

The car registration process can take up to two weeks, but if you want to avoid any delays, it is best to visit the Ministry of Finance before moving over and registering your car there.

Register a company – there are three different types of companies that you can set up: an LLC, Ltd., or SA (Sociedade Anonima).

If you already have a British company then this company can operate from Cyprus on a cross-border basis providing certain conditions are met (for example all employees must be based outside of Cyprus).

There are also no restrictions as far as taxation goes for Cypriot-registered companies who wish to trade within other EU states – so if this type of business interests you then read more about it here! Registering at Companies House should take around 5 working days unless otherwise stated on their website; however, it should be noted that they do not currently accept e-signatures so make sure that both parties sign by hand before submitting documents electronically or by postal mail instead!

Get Your Health Insurance Sorted Out

As a British citizen moving to Cyprus, you will be required to have health insurance before entering the country. This is because Cyprus has a National Health Service (NHS) that provides free healthcare for all citizens and residents, but only if they have an NHS card.

It’s always best to get this sorted before you arrive as it can take some time for companies to issue your NHS card after you’ve moved in and registered with them as an ex-pat.

Fortunately, many reputable providers offer both private medical insurance and social care services so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find an affordable solution that suits your needs.

You can purchase your insurance online or directly from the provider’s local office in Cyprus; once purchased it should be sent out immediately so please make sure that someone receives the documents on your behalf (or collect them yourself when traveling back home).

Visit the Tax Office

You will need to visit the Tax Office as soon as possible. Firstly, you need to register as a resident of Cyprus and then pay taxes on your income.

You will also receive an ID card, which is used for identification purposes. This card enables you to access public services in Cyprus and is similar to a passport or driver’s license in other countries.

Lastly, you will be required to get a tax file number (TFN), which enables them to track all of your income while living in Cyprus.

Open a Bank Account

Your first step to moving abroad is to open a bank account.

You must keep your money in a local bank account; this gives you full access to your funds and makes it easier for the banks in Cyprus to provide services for British ex-pats living there. You will also need a bank account if you want any kind of credit card or loan.

When looking for an account, avoid opening one with an international company such as HSBC or Barclays—these companies aren’t licensed by Cypriot authorities so they won’t be able to offer the same level of service as local banks. It’s best if you can find a branch close by where someone can help walk through all the details of setting up an account and getting access via online banking platforms like Internet Banking (IB).

You can move to Cyprus but it will take some planning

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider before you move to Cyprus. Luckily, the process is fairly straightforward if you plan. There are plenty of online resources that can help you get your visa application in order and find out what paperwork is necessary for your move to Cyprus.

If moving to a new country sounds like something that appeals to you, then consider the following:

  • Do some research about how much money it will cost to live in Cyprus. This includes taxes as well as living expenses like heating bills and groceries.
  • Contact an immigration lawyer who specializes in British citizens moving abroad so they can help determine which category will be best for your situation.

In today’s world, information is key. When you move abroad, you must have all the right paperwork to make things run smoothly. Whether you are a citizen of Cyprus or not, there are plenty of resources available to help make sure that your move goes according to plan.


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