Living and working in Qatar, Things to Know When Relocating to Qatar for Employment

If you’re planning on relocating to Qatar, there are some things you should know. Living and working in Qatar is not easy, but if you go over the checklist and do your research, it will be easier for you to ease into the transition.

Housing in Qatar

Housing in Qatar can be expensive. Many ex-pats live in compounds, where most of the expenses are covered by their employers. Compounds offer amenities such as swimming pools and gyms, but some people find them restrictive and prefer to live in villas instead. Villas are standalone homes with more privacy than a compound, but they don’t come with many of the same luxuries or services included in a compound lifestyle. And if you’re not living in Doha itself but rather somewhere like Dukhan or Umm Salal, finding housing may be even more challenging because those areas lack many options for foreigners looking to rent or buy property here

Schools in Qatar

There are many international schools in Qatar, but the cost of enrolling your children in these schools can be high. In addition, there is no guarantee that your child will receive any support from the school if they have special needs or learning challenges.

The best option for most ex-pats would be to send their children to one of the large public schools like Qatar Academy or Al Noor International School (also known as ALNIS).

The quality of these two institutions is good and although they both have fees, it is worth considering as these fees do not increase with years as some private schools do. These two institutions also offer a range of services including a comprehensive health clinic run by qualified doctors and dentists who work alongside resident specialists on staff at these schools as well as other services such as psychological counseling and speech therapy where required.

Religious Freedom in Qatar

Qatar is a Muslim country and has a strong Islamic culture. Islam is the official religion of Qatar, but there is no Sharia law in Qatar. The constitution of Qatar provides for freedom of religion and belief, while Islam remains the dominant religion in the country.

Medical Care in Qatar

  • Medical care in Qatar is excellent. Qatar has some of the best hospitals in the world, including Hamad Medical City which is ranked as one of the top three hospitals in the Middle East.
  • Private healthcare: Private healthcare means that you pay for your treatment and services. There are private hospitals in Qatar but they are expensive compared to public healthcare options (see below).
  • Public healthcare: Public health services are free at point-of-use; however, people who can afford them may opt-out of this system by paying for private treatment instead.
  • Tiered healthcare: Tiered healthcare means that there are different levels of health insurance depending on your income and whether or not you have children living with you who qualify as dependents under a family policy (see below). People on low incomes may be able to get free access to basic medical care but will still have to pay for more expensive treatment such as seeing a specialist or going into an emergency room at a hospital.

Visas to Work in Qatar

To work in Qatar, you’ll need to apply for a visa. The type of visa you can apply for depends on your country of citizenship and the job position you hold.

Visas are issued by the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and are valid for six months from the date of issue or renewal. You can either apply directly with them or through an authorized agent who will charge a fee.

You may qualify for one type of visa (i.e., employment) but not another (i.e., residence). For example, suppose you have been hired as an engineer by a company in Qatar and they sponsor your employment visa. In that case, it is unlikely that they would also sponsor your residence permit if required later on down the road—which means that you would have to find another source that could help out with this task if needed at any point during your stay here!

Traveling to and from Qatar

  • How to get a visa:
  • Getting your driver’s license:
  • Emergency medical care:
  • Police reports/law enforcement/etc.:

Research Work

Living and working in Qatar as an ex-pat isn’t easy, but if you go over the checklist and do your research, it will be easier for you to ease into the transition.

Qatar is not a cheap place to live. You will have to be prepared with an adequate amount of money when moving there. You may also need to apply for a visa or residence permit from your employer depending on their policies.

Qatar is a Muslim country, so you will have to be respectful of local customs and traditions such as dressing conservatively in public places such as malls or restaurants where alcohol consumption is prohibited by law. If you plan on living here long term, then it would help if you learn Arabic because there may come situations where only Arabic speakers can understand what’s being said around them due to cultural differences between themselves and other people who are not native speakers themselves (like yourself).

Hopefully, we’ve given you enough information to feel more confident about your decision to relocate to Qatar. The most important thing is that you research and take the time to learn about what it will be like to live and work there. You might be surprised by how much of a difference this makes!


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