University of Alberta Scholarships in Canada Application Open for Studies

The University of Alberta is a public research university in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was founded in 1908 by Alexander Cameron Rutherford and Henry Marshall Tory.

The first premier of Alberta and Henry Marshall Tory, its first president, it is widely recognized as one of the best universities in Canada.

The University of Alberta is a public research university in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The University of Alberta is a public research university in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was founded in 1908 by Alexander Cameron Rutherford, the first premier of Alberta, and Henry Marshall Tory, its first president.

The main campus covers more than 486 acres (192 ha) with numerous facilities spread across North America including:

  • The Gorman Centre for Peace Studies was built to house students from all over the world traveling to learn about conflict resolution at this prestigious institution; it houses classrooms and labs that allow students to explore various topics related to peace studies in an open environment where they can ask questions freely without being judged or judged themselves as well as access many resources available on campus such as journals written by professors who specialize in this field so they can keep up-to-date on what’s happening around them when studying abroad!
  • Check for application details here:

University of Alberta in Canada

Founded in 1908 by Alexander Cameron Rutherford, the first premier of Alberta, and Henry Marshall Tory, its first president, it is widely recognized as one of the best universities in Canada.

The university has nearly 29,000 students from all over the world who come here to study on their own or with a group of international students. More than 80% of them are from outside Canada.

The student population at UAlberta is very diverse: about 26% are from visible minorities; 27% identify themselves as Indigenous; 17% have Chinese ancestry; 10% are South Asian (including Pakistani); 8% are Black African-Caribbean origin; 8% Filipino/Chinese descent…etc!


Scholarships are financial awards that do not need to be repaid. They are awarded based on merit, and not on financial need. Scholarships may be used for tuition, living expenses, and other educational expenses such as books and equipment.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential (academic), community service (volunteering), personal characteristics (athletic), or other factors related to your unique situation in life at this time in your life

Eligibility for University of Alberta Scholarships

You must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, and graduate from an accredited high school or equivalent.

You must also meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at the University of Alberta by March 31st, 2019. (The eligibility period will start on January 1st, 2019, and end on March 31st, 2019.)
  • Have an admission average of 70% or higher; OR Have completed at least two years of post-secondary studies with a minimum GPA average of 2.0 (on a 4-point scale) in courses/courses taken while attending your current institution(s).

How to Apply for University of Alberta Scholarships

The University of Alberta Scholarships Application Deadline is December 31. You can apply for these scholarships by filling out the University of Alberta Scholarship Application Form, which you can find on their website.

The requirements for these scholarships vary depending on which one you want to apply for, so make sure you read all the information carefully before submitting your application.

You must be enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in Canada or its territories at the time when applying for these programs (or have been since September 1). If this is not true, then there are other ways that we can help!

Check for application details here:

An opportunity to study at the University Of Alberta

If you are interested in studying at the University Of Alberta, this scholarship is for you. The University Of Alberta Scholarships are available to students who are studying full-time and have good academic records. You should also have good English language skills before applying for these scholarships.

The tuition fees of this institution are very high so it is better if you get some financial assistance from your parents or friends while studying there because they will not be able to pay all your fees as well as their expenses without any support from others.

Every student must live on campus during their studies at UAlberta because there are no hostel facilities available in the city of Edmonton where the campus lies!

The University of Alberta is a great place to start your academic career. With the right scholarships and funding, you can plan for your future with ease. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s program, there are plenty of opportunities to explore at this amazing institution!

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